Fiber supplements play a vital role in supporting gut and heart health, as well as aiding in weight management and regulating blood sugar levels. However, despite these benefits, research from the American Society of Nutrition1 reveals that only a small percentage of individuals, 5 percent of men and 9 percent of women, meet their daily fiber needs. The current dietary guidelines in the United States advocate for consuming 14 grams of fiber per every 1,000 calories consumed. Yet, if your balaced diet lacks whole grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, chances are you’re falling short of this recommendation. This is where incorporating a fiber supplement into your routine can be beneficial.

With a plethora of fiber supplements available on the market, selecting the right one can be overwhelming. Our recommendations are based on extensive research encompassing various fiber supplements, ranging from widely known options to those subjected to rigorous testing. Additionally, we consulted registered dietitians to outline the criteria for choosing a high-quality supplement and to gather their expert recommendations.

What is Fiber?

According to scientists2, Dietary fiber consists of plant-based substances that resist digestion by the enzymes in the human digestive system. Broadly categorized into two chemical groups, dietary fiber comprises non-alpha-glucan polysaccharides such as cellulose, hemicelluloses, and pectins, as well as lignins. Within the gastrointestinal tract, dietary fiber acts as a polymer matrix with diverse physicochemical attributes, including susceptibility to bacterial fermentation, capacity to retain water, ability to exchange cations, and functions related to adsorption.

Fiber types

There are two primary categories of fiber:

Soluble fiber: This variant of fiber dissolves in water, forming a gel-like substance. Foods like oats, bananas, dried beans, and psyllium husk contain soluble fiber. Known for its ability to slow down the passage of food through the small intestine, soluble fiber offers benefits such as stabilizing glucose levels and reducing blood cholesterol.

Individuals experiencing diarrhea or constipation may find relief with soluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber: In contrast to soluble fiber, insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water; instead, it retains water, leading to softer and bulkier stools, thus aiding in regulating bowel movements. Foods like whole bran, whole grains, nuts, and corn are rich sources of insoluble fiber, making it beneficial for alleviating constipation. Source3

Fiber health benefits infographic
Fiber Health Benefits Infographic

Food rich in fibers

  • Legumes: Beans, lentils, and chickpeas are excellent sources of fiber, packing in a good amount per serving.
  • Whole Grains: Opt for whole grains like oats, quinoa, brown rice, and barley, which provide a significant amount of fiber compared to refined grains.
  • Fruits: Berries, apples, pears, and oranges are particularly high in fiber. Leave the skin on for even more fiber content!
  • Vegetables: Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots, and leafy greens like spinach and kale are great choices for adding fiber to your meals.
  • Nuts and Seeds: Almonds, chia seeds, flaxseeds, and pumpkin seeds are not only rich in healthy fats but also pack a good amount of fiber.
  • Avocado: Besides being creamy and delicious, avocados are also a good source of fiber, making them a nutritious addition to salads, sandwiches, or smoothies.
  • Popcorn: Surprisingly, popcorn is a whole grain snack that can be a good source of fiber when air-popped and eaten without excessive butter or salt.

Best Certified Fiber Supplements

1. Citrucel Citrucel with Smartfiber Caplets

fiber supplements: Citrucel Citrucel with Smartfiber Caplets

Methylcellulose fiber supplements are commonly available in over-the-counter (OTC). This compound is recognized as a semisynthetic version of cellulose, a fundamental component in plants.

Methylcellulose can frequently be spotted on store shelves in products like Citrucel with SmartFiber, boasting 100% soluble fiber and offered in either powder or caplet form.

Moreover, it serves as a thickening agent and emulsifier in culinary applications, prized for its capacity to enhance the texture, stability, and taste of various foods. Consequently, you may encounter it listed in the ingredients of:

  • Salad dressings
  • Sauces
  • Ice cream
  • Other frozen desserts

2. THORNE FiberMend

fiber supplements: THORNE FiberMend

Thorne Research has built a reputation for producing top-tier supplements formulated with ingredients backed by clinical research. According to their official website, Thorne Research has received an A rating from the Australian Therapeutic Goods Administration for the quality and safety of its products.

Among their offerings, Thorne Research’s FiberMend provides 7 grams of dietary fiber per serving, utilizing Sunfiber AG. Sunfiber is a water-soluble fiber sourced from guar beans, prized for being tasteless, odorless, and seamlessly integrating into various foods and beverages without altering their texture or flavor profile. Thorne Research claims on their website that Sunfiber has undergone clinical trials demonstrating its efficacy in managing occasional diarrhea and constipation, thus making it a viable option for promoting regular and healthy bowel movements.

In addition to fiber, FiberMend also includes 50 milligrams of green tea phytosome, a caffeine-free extract derived from green tea, which has shown promise in improving blood pressure and blood lipid levels according to Thorne Research’s claims.

While current research on green tea phytosome is somewhat limited, preliminary studies suggest its potential benefits in promoting weight loss and exhibiting anticancer properties.

This blend of soluble fiber can be effortlessly incorporated into various foods and beverages for daily use, thanks to its tasteless and odorless nature, offering exceptional versatility.

3. Viva Naturals Organic Psyllium Husk Powder

fiber supplements: Viva Naturals Organic Psyllium Husk Powder

If you have allergies to peanuts, tree nuts, milk, or soy, it’s essential to note that this product is manufactured in a facility that processes these ingredients, so it may not be suitable for you.

Viva Naturals, a well-regarded brand, offers Organic Psyllium Husk Powder, which features a scientifically supported form of fiber. Psyllium powder consists primarily of soluble fiber with a small amount of insoluble fiber, known to alleviate both constipation and diarrhea, aid in managing IBS symptoms, and contribute to weight loss by promoting feelings of fullness. Additionally, it has demonstrated benefits in improving blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

With each teaspoon providing 4 grams of fiber, it’s advisable to start with a modest amount, gradually increasing as your body adjusts to the additional fiber intake. Viva Naturals’ product is certified organic, non-GMO, and gluten-free, and it’s manufactured in the U.S. Each batch undergoes third-party testing to ensure quality and purity.

According to the Nutrition Twins, the texture of this fiber is soft and smooth, making it easy to mix into water, shakes, or baked goods batter. Furthermore, it’s conveniently available on Amazon, and Viva Naturals’ generous refund policy allows for hassle-free returns if you’re not completely satisfied.

4. Fiber Choice Gummies Fruity Bites, Assorted Fruit, 90 Gummies

fiber supplements: Fiber Choice Gummies Fruity Bites, Assorted Fruit, 90 Gummies

Fiber Choice’s Daily Prebiotic Supplement is free from sugar and does not contain any artificial flavors, sweeteners, or colors. Each 2-gummy serving provides 3 grams of soluble fiber in the form of inulin.

Chout our low-sugar smoothies ideas.

Inulin, the key ingredient, is a prebiotic fiber known for its ability to promote beneficial changes in the bacterial population of the colon. These gut bacteria play a crucial role in nutrient absorption and even influence the production of hormones related to mood and appetite regulation.

While Fiber Choice also offers inulin in chewable tablet form, it’s important to note that this product contains sugar alcohols and artificial coloring, which may not be suitable for everyone’s preferences or dietary needs.

5. Sunfiber, Prebiotic Fiber Supplement for Digestive Health

fiber supplements: Sunfiber, Prebiotic Fiber Supplement for Digestive Health

Sunfiber stands out from other fiber powders due to its tasteless nature and easy dissolvability, allowing for seamless incorporation into foods like applesauce or oatmeal. Moreover, it’s organic and subjected to third-party testing for quality assurance.

To introduce Sunfiber to your child’s diet, you may need to begin with half the recommended serving size to help their digestive system adjust to the additional fiber.

Sunfiber seamlessly blends into various foods and beverages such as applesauce, yogurt, cereal, milk, or water, without altering their texture or taste. This makes it an ideal choice even for picky eaters, as they’re unlikely to detect the added fiber in their snacks or breakfast.

According to the Nutrition Twins, Sunfiber is a prebiotic fiber that ferments slowly, reducing the likelihood of gas and bloating commonly associated with other fibers, while also producing beneficial short-chain fatty acids. This type of fiber has been shown to effectively lower high blood sugar and cholesterol levels, promote feelings of fullness, and alleviate diarrhea, as demonstrated in a 2019 study published in The National Library of Medicine4.

Sunfiber is particularly suitable for children as it is produced without the use of chemicals, preservatives, or additives throughout its growth and production process. It is both organic and Detox Project certified, ensuring it is free from harmful additives and chemicals often found in other fiber supplements. Additionally, it holds Clean Label and Tru-ID certifications, guaranteeing transparency and accuracy in labeling, including the identification of prebiotic strains.

Each serving of Sunfiber provides 6 grams of fiber, suitable for children aged 9 months and above, although consulting your child’s pediatrician before introducing any new supplement is advisable.

6. Metamucil, Psyllium Husk Fiber Supplement

Metamucil, Psyllium Husk Fiber Supplement

Psyllium, also known as ispaghula, is derived from the husks of the seeds of the Plantago ovata herb. With its composition comprising 70% soluble fiber, psyllium has the ability to enhance feelings of fullness and slow down the digestive process effectively.

Additionally, psyllium contains 30% insoluble fiber, enabling it to maintain its bulk as it moves through the digestive tract, aiding in regulating bowel movements.

In addition to promoting regularity, research suggests that psyllium, a key ingredient in various Metamucil products, can alleviate the discomfort associated with conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), Crohn’s disease, and anal fissures.

It’s worth noting that Metamucil offers different formulations tailored to individual needs. For instance, the Metamucil Premium Blend Sugar-Free Orange Powder, sweetened with stevia, may be preferable for individuals with diabetes seeking a daily fiber supplement.

Furthermore, Metamucil provides options such as gummies and fiber thin crackers, catering to diverse preferences and lifestyles.

7.Benefiber Daily Prebiotic Fiber Supplement

Benefiber Daily Prebiotic Fiber Supplement

Now, let’s talk about Benefiber—it’s a fiber supplement made from wheat dextrin. The cool thing about it is that it doesn’t really have a taste, and you can mix it into pretty much any drink, whether it’s hot or cold.

Now, wheat dextrin might sound fancy, but it’s just a natural by-product of the wheat milling process. Basically, when they use water to break down the wheat, this stuff forms.

The best part? It’s sugar-free and doesn’t change the taste or texture of your food when you cook with it. Plus, like most soluble fibers, it can help keep your digestion on track and steady those blood sugar levels.

And here’s something neat: Benefiber is loaded with soluble fiber, which makes it perfect for folks trying to manage their blood sugar, especially those with type 2 diabetes.

Oh, and if you’re always on the move, they’ve got these handy single-serve packets so you can take your fiber wherever you go without any hassle. Cool, right?

Final Words

So, here’s the deal with fiber supplements—they’re generally safe to take every day. Some popular ones you might have heard of include inulin, psyllium (like Metamucil or Konsyl), and methylcellulose (Citrucel).5

Now, we all know fiber is pretty great for our bodies. It keeps our bowel movements regular, helps prevent constipation, and can even lower cholesterol levels. Plus, it makes us feel full, which can help with managing our appetite.

Ideally, we should be getting our fiber from food because it comes with all those extra goodies like vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. But hey, fiber supplements can still be a useful addition to our daily routine.

Just a heads up, though—starting out with fiber supplements might lead to a bit of bloating and gas, especially at first. If you’ve got any tummy troubles like a history of blocked bowels or Crohn’s disease, it’s a good idea to chat with someone on your healthcare team before diving in.

Oh, and don’t forget to check with your healthcare provider if you’re taking any other medications. Sometimes, fiber supplements can mess with things like blood sugar levels, especially for folks with diabetes. They might need to adjust their insulin or other meds accordingly.

When you’re starting out with fiber supplements, take it slow and steady. Start with small amounts to avoid feeling too gassy, and always stick to the recommended dosage on the label. And hey, keep hydrating! Drink plenty of fluids every day to keep things moving smoothly.


Which type of fiber supplement is best for you?

Well, it really depends on the specific reason why you’re seeking to increase your fiber intake. For instance, if you’re dealing with IBS-related constipation, one type of fiber may be more beneficial, whereas someone with IBS-related diarrhea might find relief with a different kind. That’s where consulting with a healthcare professional, like a dietitian, can make a big difference. They can help assess your symptoms and recommend the most suitable fiber supplement to address your individual needs.

Can fiber contribute to weight loss?

Absolutely! Let’s break it down. Picture this: You’re digging into a hefty salad filled with leafy greens, crunchy veggies, and hearty chickpeas. By the time you finish, you’re feeling pretty satisfied and not craving more food. That’s because the fiber in this meal has expanded in your gut, promoting a sense of fullness, and it’s also helping to quiet those hunger hormones.6
Now, research backs up the weight loss benefits of fiber too. Studies have found that increasing fiber intake can lead to greater weight loss and better adherence to a balanced diet. Fiber does wonders for promoting feelings of fullness and satisfaction. But here’s the thing—different types of fiber have different effects. For instance, oatmeal might be particularly effective at keeping you feeling full compared to other sources of fiber, like veggies or whole grains. That’s why it’s a smart move to mix things up and include a variety of fibers in your diet.7

Which fiber is most effective for lowering cholesterol levels?

Well, certain types of fiber work like sponges in your blood vessels, helping to reduce cholesterol. Particularly, gel-forming fibers such as beta-glucan, guar gum, and psyllium are champions at this—they essentially grab onto the LDL (the “bad” cholesterol) and whisk it away from your body. On the other hand, some synthetic fibers like inulin, fructooligosaccharides, and wheat dextrin don’t have a notable impact on cholesterol levels unless taken in very high doses. So, if you’re looking to give your cholesterol a healthy nudge, focus on incorporating those gel-forming fibers into your diet or consider fiber supplements rich in them.8

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